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Tunnelling and rock digging - silicone and polyurethane resins, adhesives and sealant

rock digging tbm resin

Mechanised digging of tunnels, wells, mines.

Tunnelling and rock digging sector requires formulations able to waterproof and consolidate rocks before and after the digging, fill cracks and natural rock cavities, seal cracks, consolidate crushed rock, concrete structures, stones or wood.


Polyurethane, silicone and epoxy resins are suitable to be used in this sector (applicable through injection). Resins for stabilising ground/rock before and after conventional digging or with TBM through injections.


Product Description Sheet
KEMIEPOX 20/256 Low viscosity epoxy systems that reticulate also at low temperatures and in the presence of damp. Suitable for consolidating structures in concrete, stone, wood etc...Application: applicable by low pressure injection.
Application: applicable by low pressure injection.

SILICONE RESINS rock digging

Product Description
SILFOAM SP Silicon-mineral-organic non-toxic and self-extinguishing formula with a high expansion capacity. Suitable for waterproofing and consolidating friable rocks and ground, filling cracks and cavities, ducting water in water table areas.
SILSTONE Two-component silicon-mineral-organic non-toxic and non-polluting formula, does not expand. Characterized by high mechanical strength and low viscosity. Ideal for consolidating land and rocks subject to landslide, waterproofing broken rocks, filling cracks and cavities, for waterproofing the walls of tanks and aqueducts.


Product Description
KEMIEFOAM WR 140 Two-component polyurethane-polyurea protective elastomer free from solvents, plasticising, bituminous materials. Polyurethane resin extremely reactive on contact with water, suitable for sealing cracks, joints, empty spaces, as well as consolidating crushed rock or concrete areas, provided that there is humidity. After hardening the product has excellent chemical and mechanical resistance, abrasion resistance, waterproof but permeable to steam.
Main applications:
  • Waterproof of road planking
  • Coating and waterproofing of viaducts and bridges
  • Car park coating
  • Coating and waterproofing of roofs and terraces
  • Waterproofing of cement surfaces
Use method:clean the surface thoroughly by removing any residue of oil, grease, pre-existing paintings, friable parts. Thickness not low than 3 mm.
Application: applicable by spray with special machines for two-component products.

SEALANT for TBM rock digging

Product Description
POOLSEAL TBM/C Non toxic and biodegradable sealant that can be used in tunnels dug with full-section mechanical cutter to prevent backfilling grout, water and mortar from penetrating the shield and reaching the digging face.
POOLSEAL TBM/T Non toxic and biodegradable sealant that can be used in tunnels dug with mechanical cutter, stable at considerable pressures and high lubricating power. Excellent resistance to mud, water and dust. Easily pumped, can be used on all rotary parts at the cutter head.
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