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Scenography special effects - latex, silicone rubber, polyurethane rubber

special effects resins

RTV2 silicone rubbers, owing to their chemical-mechanical properties and their easily to use, are suitable for realization of moulds for the reproduction of static scenery. The elastomer can be also used for the reproduction of fantastic characters, animals, objects, scenography effects etc…


Polyurethane rubbers owing to excellent mechanical and chemical properties, tearing strenght and quick delivery (demoulding) are also suitable for the realization of moulds to produce static scenery  elements and to reproduce characters, animals, scenery objects.


Latex for scenography and special effects.



SILICONE RUBBERS - scenography special effects

Bi-component silicone rubbers characterized by high thermic resistance, elasticity and tearing strenght, high dimensional stability , little linear shrinkage, excellent reproduction for scenography special effects.
Product Description Sheet
SILIMOLD AL 10 Soft silicone (10 shore A). Complex moulds for serial making of small sized resin objects (polyester, polyurethane and epoxy resin), plaster, wax, etc…Moulds for lost-wax foundries. Suitable for "glove peeling" delivery. Moulds for technical articles, scenography special effects.
SILIMOLD AL 20 Medium hardness silicone (20 shore A). High mechanical properties, suitable for the preparation of moulds with a considerable number of undercuts: reproduction of bronze statues (artistic foundry), serial reproduction of complex hand-made resin articles (polyester, polyurethane and epoxy resin), in plaster, natural and synthetic wax, cement (ex. statues, decorative garden articles, decorative candles, prototypes, decorative pottery, rosettes, cornices, imitation wood friezes, etc…). Moulds for technical articles, scenography special effects.
SILIMOLD AL 25 Medium hardness silicone (25 shore A). Suitable for making larger matrices for scenography special effects.
SILIMOLD AL 40 Medium-high hardness silicone (40 shore A). Suitable for the reproduction of large-sized matrices, scenography special effects.
SILIMOLD AD 12 Low hardness silicone (12 shore A). COMPLEX MOULDS – Prototypes and resin, plaster, wax objects. Pad printing, scenography special effects
SILIMOLD AD 20 Medium hardness silicone (20 shore A). COMPLEX MOULDS – Prototypes and resin, plaster, cement objects. Pad printing, scenography special effects

POLYURETHANE RUBBERS - Scenography special effects

Product Description Sheet
POLIMOLD TR 40 Hardness shore A 40 ± 3. COMPLEX MOULDS - Serial reproduction of plaster, cement, pottery objects.
POLIMOLD TR 55 Hardness shore A 55 ± 3. COMPLEX MOULDS - Serial reproduction of cement, plaster, wax hand-made objects. Case moulds production for ceramic and sanitary fixtures, scenography special effects.
ELASTOPUR E 70 Hardness shore A 70 ± 3. MOULDS SUBJECTED TO HIGH MECHANICAL STRENGHT - Production case moulds for ceramic and sanitary fixtures, scenography special effects.  
ELASTOPUR E 90 Hardness shore A 90 ± 3. MOULDS SUBJECTED TO HIGH MECHANICAL STRENGHT - Production case moulds for ceramic and sanitary fixtures.  

LATEX - scenography special effects

Product Description
60% NATURAL LATEX 60% natural latex. It can be stored for six months in the original sealed containers kept in a cool and dry place (temperature from 5 to 40 ° C). Application: scenography special effects
PRE-VULCANIZED LATEX Liquid spreading products suitable for the realization of prosthesis, masks, make up and special effects for cinema, television, theatre etc.
LATEXFOAM Natural latex based compound stabilized with ammonia and with primary foaming. Application: scenography special effects.
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