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Resins for marble - synthetic marble - marble conglomerate

Ornamental rocks sector requires fluid, waterproof, transparent and yellow tendency resistant (UV exposure) products characterized by excellent mechanical properties. Epoxy systems are suitable to be used in this sector. Epoxy resins for flow-coating and reinforcement of marble labs and blocks having high transparence properties and excellent yellow tendency resistance. Resins for obtain synthetic marble, resin for surface treatment of marble, resins for surface coatings.

Consolidation of porous and absorbent materials, like wood, porous stones, cement, bricks, plaster, etc.. Flow-coating for capillarity, the product can penetrate from 1 to 3 mm according to materials. The treatment makes the surfaces impermeable and gives a superior consistence.  


Resins for marble - Production of synthetic marble and of marble agglomerate; polyester resins are suitable for this application.

EPOXY RESINS for marble surface treatment

Product Description Sheet
KEMIEPOX NCT 301 Bicomponent pouring epoxy system. Fluid, excellent mechanical resistance and surface finish, good resistance to yellow tendency and stability, high transparence. Used for mounting of objects, reproduction of artistic and industrial objects, as sealant for concrete elements, for marble surface treatment. If charged with mineral inert materials can be used for paving. epoxy resin for reinforcement marble surface
KEMIEPOX NCT 401 Bicomponent pure epoxy system, transparent, fluid. Anti yellowing. According to the thickness to pour the resin have to be coupled with the specific hardener:
  • EH 401 high pot life and low exothermic peak, allow to pour thickness up to 3-5 centimetres for furniture tops or pouring up to 10 cm for masses of 1 liter.
  • EH 402 accelerated version of EH 401. Suitable for pouring thickness up to 1 centimeters in the vetrification of collar badges or gummed label and of particular labels.
Applications: designed for pouring and encapsulations where transparence and resistance to yellowing is required, for marble surface treatment..
transparent epoxy resin for marble surface
KEMIEPOX MRB 200 Low viscosity Epoxy system for resining marbles and granites. transparent epoxy resin for marble and granite
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