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artistic foundry silicone rubbers

Artistic foundry - silicone rubber

Moulds for the production of bronze statues with lost wax melting process (the silicone moulds is used to obtain the wax copy from the original model). Silcone rubbers for artistic foundry.


Owing to a good temperature resistance, the silicone elastomer HT 60, allows the direct pouring into the moulds of low melting point alloy.

SILICONE RUBBERS for artistic foundry

Product Description Sheet
SILIMOLD AL 10 Soft silicone (10 shore A). Complex moulds for serial making of small sized resin objects (polyester, polyurethane and epoxy resin), plaster, wax, etc…Moulds for lost-wax foundries. Suitable for "glove peeling" delivery. Moulds for technical articles. Artistic foundry.
SILIMOLD AL 20 Medium hardness silicone (20 shore A). High mechanical properties, suitable for the preparation of moulds with a considerable number of undercuts: reproduction of bronze statues (artistic foundry), serial reproduction of complex hand-made resin articles (polyester, polyurethane and epoxy resin), in plaster, natural and synthetic wax, cement (ex. statues, decorative garden articles, decorative candles, prototypes, decorative pottery, rosettes, cornices, imitation wood friezes, etc…). Moulds for technical articles.
SILIMOLD PX 30 Pasty, flexible silicone. Can be modelled by hand, suitable for making vertical imprint moulds in the architectonic and monumental restoration field and in artistic foundry.
SILIMOLD HT 60 High hardness silicone (60 shore A). Fluid. Owing to its high temperature resistance it is suitable for building flexible simple moulds for the reproduction of small sized low-melting point alloy objects, lead or tin.
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