Lamination polyester resins
Polyester resins for stratification are used in nautical and building sectors to realize structural elements by laminating process. The elements are obtained applying the resin by stratification on the fiber glass mat of different grammatures.
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Orthophthalic polyester resin for stratification (tixotropic). Laminating polyester resins.
Owing to its low linear shrinkage is suitable to realize high thickness hand-made compounds.
Tixotropic property minimize the tendency of pouring in vertical stratification.
Laminating polyester resins suitable for the production of coachwork features, nautical buildings, sanitary fixtures, industrial components etc…Used for moulding with manual application.
- coach work
- nautical buildings
- sanitary fixtures
- industrial components
- realization of fiberglass hand-made compounds
Bicomponent tixotropic polyester resin for stratification, isophthalic, low water absorption coefficient, and good resistance to chemical agents. Characterized by a higher flexibility than orthoftalic resins.
- buildings of hulls and articles destined to permanent contact with water
- building of surf boards
- transparent finish on surf boards
- anticorrosive structural covering of basins, etc…
- Realization of bending stress articles such as elastic suspensions, sticks for sails, fairings etc…
Bicomponent vinylester tixotropic resin for stratification characterized by high chemical and mechanical resistance, similar to epoxy resins, and a high temperature resistance (more than 110° C).
Applied by manual stratification or with mat and fiberglass, carbon and kevlar. Tixotropic property minimize the tendency of pouring in vertical stratification.
- compound sector for the most difficult applications either with fiberglass or carbon and kevlar.
- production of motorcycle silencers, bodies, fairings etc…
- competition boats
- anticorrosive structural covering of basins, tanks in chemical and oil industry